From “Space” to “Gap”

A lot can get lost in the middle between wanting to give a person some space to breath, and showing them that you do care

How can you give someone a space that is wide enough for them to breath but not too wide that it turns into a gap and you lose the connection, and without both of you getting used to getting by without each other

It’s a skill that needs development, with time and experience, and within that time you will lose some and gain some, just hope that you don’t lose the important ones.

An insignificant theory about failiure

We all know at least one person who doesn’t do their best to get what they want, when you know deep inside they can do more, they have much more to offer, but they just don’t do it.

I always wondered why wouldn’t someone just do everything they can to reach their goal, until i was put in a situation where i had that choice

  1. To do everything i can, and may or may not succeed,
  2. Or just do less and increase the probability of me failing

unexpectedly i didn’t give it my best shot “silly me! :D”

When we fail, most of us need something or someone to blame, and it’s way easier to say i didn’t do my best therefore i failed, than to admit to yourself that your best was not enough, it gives us hope that when we do our best one day we’ll get what we want, we’re still in control

It takes courage, loads of it, to face yourself and be open about your fears and hopes, we lie to ourselves most of the time, it’s very stupid but somehow we’re very stupid too!

We lie to ourselves about the smallest details, if you noticed that about yourself, you might want to dig deeper into this subject “the psychology of self-deception” , it’ll open your eyes to how your subconscious constantly tries to protect you through defense mechanisms that may be in the form of lies and false memories!

SO, let’s take a deep breath and just be honest with ourselves and see how it goes, in the end how worse can it get, you’ve already failed once and probably we’re gonna die soon 😀



Grieving the fireflies

Fireflies are the beautiful shining flies that we see in movies and cartoons, their average lifespan is 2 month, Too little isn’t it?


A real image of a group of fireflies

They don’t get to have enough time for anything, I wonder, if we were created the same way, how different would we act?, would we take that much time to tell somebody we like them, appreciate what they mean to us or even to say we’re sorry !, would we over-think things and pay any time thinking about what others think of us if we do what we want.

I guess now we can feel a bit more relieved that we get more than a firefly gets, most of us at least 🙂

But in my opinion, our lives are just a bunch of fireflies, Good, bad, sad, exciting, bitter times come and end faster than we notice, many fireflies were born and died in our lives without we even notice they existed, or maybe we did after their lights went out

A busy man loves his parents but never felt the need to express that love, or the need to spend more time with them, or just call, or maybe an ambitious man who finds that he’s been running on the wrong track the whole time and this is not the career for him, But when a firefly dies we start noticing the missing light, then we spent time grieving the firefly, sometime we spend too much time grieving that we miss out on another one, and for some people the cycle repeats itself.

Losing a dream, a lover or a special thing generally makes us sad, that’s normal, but we get consumed by the sorrow and bitterness, by doing that we create an infinite loop of dying fireflies, and with every second you spend grieving a dead dream you’re losing a new one.

Live your life appreciating the living fireflies, be guided by their light, enjoy their beauty, and whenever you lose one remember that they did their part. and whatever happened to them was the best case scenario, remember that drowning into sorrow and sadness over them will keep you from doing your part, which is guiding newer fireflies behind you.

Look for your Will Of Fire, what makes you alive, what you love, believe, cherish and fight for, and when you find it you guard it with your life, everything happens for a reason and nothing’s ever in vain, so take a moment to imagine and analyse why what happened happened, you will find an answer that will keep you calmer, and if you can’t find one be sure that in the future maybe the near future you’ll witness the effect of that reason.

Life is beautiful no matter how tough it gets sometimes 🙂

Keep calm and Carry on

Keep calm and carry on

These Stupid Insecure Pathetic People

OH GOD!! she’s so pathetic… she’s such an attention whore, she’s faking enjoying the party so she can feel welcome and stay, she’s lying about “whatever” so she can hang out with them… she’s pitiful and this disgusts me !!

Almost every one of us has said or heard at least one or more of these sentences, maybe some crueler ones, I’m not justifying lying or seeking attention in the wrong obsessive way, but I think we’re pretty much as pitiful if we think this is okay.

If we highlight people’s vulnerability, their loneliness and sorrow that is interpreted by trying very hard to please others or faking a certain reaction to not feel like an underdog, we are the pathetic ones

we’re all people, we have insecurities and fears that when anyone comes near them we become somebody else, we all have been there, wearing something popular to seem cooler even if deep deep inside we didn’t think it’s that pretty, did our hair the famous considered-beautiful way when we actually wanted to cut it and do it our way [but they won’t like it so ..], eat something DISGUSTING to be considered adventurous 😀 … we do stupid things for people and it’s not completely wrong, we’re people and some crazy times we’re more comfortable blending in

some of us has the luxury of having a some kind of mentor along their lives [loving parents, cool grand parents, close aunt, friends…etc] who supported them as children and along the way growing up, some of us were born in a good calm environment that helped making them develop a strong psychological structure and maintain their confidence, some of us didn’t

I think instead of highlighting people’s insecurities or call them pathetic -even to ourselves-, we should be more empathetic and do something about it, small effortless encouraging words can do so much, try highlighting people’s good traits, try noticing their good traits first ;), Help them in their dark times and you’ll find someone else picking you up when it’s your turn -at least do it for yourself-

Instead of giving them a hard time let’s give them some of our time

You’ll find yourself falling for these stupid insecure pathetic people 🙂

Instead of giving them a hard time let’s give them some time

My First Blog

Sometimes some people wait for the “perfect moment” to start something -to start blogging for instance- , these people usually suffer from the depression of having so much to say but can’t be said yet, or so much to do but nothing is done yet, maybe because they have this nagging feeling that it’s never complete or the right time hasn’t came “yet”, or maybe they worry too much about what people might think.

I’m one of these people, i have accounts on every blogging website but never actually wrote anything, i always find whatever comes to my mind incomplete or too little to be blogged about , or too silly to share, and i intend to end this annoying habit and start whatever i want whenever i feel like it  😀

And that’s my first incomplete silly Blog XD

Blog about it

Blog about it